Hounds of Grace
Giving Hope to Hounds

Hounds of Grace is a non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, re-homing, and hospice/sanctuary care of Hounds in the South. We rely 100% on donations from individuals to pay for the care of the dogs we assist, and every dog must be funded 100% for our work to continue! Your donation, in whatever dollar amount, WILL make a difference.

In Loving Memory
Beagle Bobbie
January 19th to July 24th, 2016
Beagle Bobbie’s life ended when he was hit by a car on 485. It was an unimaginably tragic ending that was devastating to those who knew him, and to those who came to know him through their efforts to help bring him home safely.
Beagle Bobbie touched the lives of many; he asked for very little, was grateful for everything, and gave back so much.
So just who was this precious creature that so many came to know and care about over the prior seven weeks of searching? While the events of his life prior to being picked up as a stray aren't known, he began a new life when he was "pulled" from the shelter on the 19th, and I'd hoped he'd live his remaining years surrounded by love with me.
Beagle Bobbie was a senior at about ten years old, had cataracts in both eyes, was partially deaf, and had "late-stage" Heartworm disease. He didn't bark and startled easily, the result of years of being on constant guard for dangers. In fact, Beagle Bobbie had clearly lived much of his life in loneliness, with little human interaction, the barest of his physical needs met, otherwise neglected. His survival skills were hard earned from many years of wandering.
That Beagle Bobbie wasn't anxious or fearful, or distrustful of people, is amazing. On the contrary, he greeted virtually every person, stranger or not, with his tail wagging. In fact, that little tail rarely stopped, constant but tentative as if asking "do I deserve this?”, or "is it OK to be happy and paid attention to?"
In appearance, Bobbie was undistinguished and, from a distance, some might have thought homely. But anyone who could see, knew this to be a mask. This was the most gentle, humble, and grateful creature I’ve ever met. Bobbie had a vulnerability that was palpable, yet he carried himself proudly and stoically, giving the appearance of being self-contained. He was trusting and hopeful in all his interactions, content to sit in the background until noticed. A great judge of character, intuitive and wise. What Beagle Bobbie wanted most was to be seen, understood, and loved. And he was the center of our universe, a position we were honored to grant. I loved this boy more than I knew imaginable; the connection ran deep and beyond explanation.
From the time Beagle Bobbie went missing to the day he died, he never gave up trying to get home, he never lost hope, and he persevered in spite of his physical ailments and the environmental challenges that only succeeded in altering his path temporarily. He was not afraid to be seen as he trotted along the sidewalk of a fairly busy road, or walked on to the field at Charlotte Latin while a practice was in session, or as he traversed residential neighborhoods and yards.
There were fewer than ten sightings. That more people didn’t stop or heed our simple request “if seen, please call and do not chase or try to follow”, makes his death even more tragic. Just once chance encounter with a kind person and the outcome might have been different.
Just as Bobbie never gave up, nor did the incredible group of people dedicated to finding him. The overall effort was enormous, and somehow magically people appeared just when needed generously giving their time. There were hundreds of flyers, and hundreds of miles walked, both in the heat of the day and the quiet of the night. There were traps and food stations and food trails, NextDoor posts, daily group texts, and a "Searching for Beagle Bobbie" Facebook group. And throughout, there were voices of encouragement, expressions of caring and concern, words of advice, and prayers, all giving us the strength we needed to keep going. As Bobbie moved along the creeks, and from one neighborhood to another, the team stepped up again and again, each time renewing their efforts. These days and weeks were intense, rich with discovery, and physically exhausting. The search forced me to make choices and reevaluate priorities. With Beagle Bobbie as my guide, "searching" and "being in the woods" took on new meaning, and my world will never be the same.
That so many people would give so much to help find Beagle Bobbie is amazing, and I'll always be grateful for those who shared his final journey home.
Yes, Bobbie, you're home now. It was an honor and a privilege to have walked these paths with you. Your spirit lives on and within us, and the lessons you continue to offer will be offered to others.
[Beagle Bobbie's life intersected with many dogs during this short time including Clyve, Sable, Carliee, Gracie, Mama Mila, Stemper, Caylyn, Zara, Maylene, Nash, Douglas, Kora, Tanner, and Gabe. There's one I would have loved him to have met, Buck (aka Gatsby), another wandering soul.]
To view a video of Beagle Bobbie: A Humble & Grateful Soul