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 I'll be Home Soon: How to Prevent and Treat Separation Anxiety. 

Figure out if your dog suffers from genuine separation anxiety or just bad manners. Then learn how to keep her happy and your home safe while our are gone. Better yet, learn to prevent problems in the first place!

Silent Conversations

Leaving our human expectations at the door, seeing things from a dog’s perspective and truly listening to what our dogs are saying opens a dialogue and creates a mutual relationship with our dogs.

fiona and dempsey, a rescue love story

​Fiona and Dempsey is a 'rescue love story' and children's book intended to educate and open a dialogue on responsible pet ownership.


Calming Signals - On Talking Terms With Dogs

Norwegian dog trainer and behaviorist Turid Rugaas is a noted expert on canine body language, notably "calming signals," which are signals dogs use to avoid conflict, invite play, and communicate a wide range of information to other dogs and people.


Dr. Brian Hare, along with the world's leading canine scientists and trainers, created the Dognition Assessment: interactive games and expert analyses that give you an unprecedented perspective on how your dog sees the world.

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© 2018 Hounds of Grace Rescue Inc. Hounds of Grace is a non-profit rescue organization

dedicated to improving the lives of hounds in the South.

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